Monday, October 15, 2007

Environmental Blog Action Day

Things you can do:::

-Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing the dishes. It shouldn't be constantly running.

-Take shorter showers.

-Wash your clothes in cold water. The hot water does not kill germs (it must be absolutely scalding to do so), the detergent and dryer do that. It saves the power that would heat the water.

-Drive the speed limit. Fact: doubling your speed of travel increases by the power of two the wind resistance, using far more gasoline. Also, no need to accelerate quickly--this also burns needless gas. Using the two-second rule when behind another driver will save you from hitting your brakes and gas so much, and a smoother ride makes for better mileage. Mea culpa on some of these, but it's good to keep them in mind! It is my opinion that only those who drive sensibly are allowed to complain about high gas prices.

-Walk, bike, or use public transportation more. Also, if you are able-bodied, park in the first available spot--no wasting gas driving around to find the closest one, plus the walk is *not* that far!

-Plant some trees.

-Take nature walks--the beautiful world we live on is here for us to enjoy and interact with! Indulge! Learn about plants, birds, types of clouds, constellations. The more we engage with our surroundings the more aware we are of our place in the wider scheme of things, among many other things like fresh air and peace of mind.

-Plenty more things, but I've overstayed my welcome!

-Addendum, and another mea culpa::: turn your computer off when you're not going to use it for a few hours. It draws a lot of power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are all very good (and easily done) suggestions for how individuals can impact the state of the natural environment. Thank you for contributing to Blog Action Day!!!