Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sure... could take the Political Compass test, but even more interesting is the "Iconochasms" quiz--I find #18 particularly telling (w/r/t how history was written), and there are some that can be rather jarring. It shows me how multifaceted and contradictory us humans can be.


Anonymous said...

I am right there with Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama....and Dennis Kucinich--do you think that means I have to vote for him???

Anonymous said...

As far as the second "quiz," I find it a bit unfair and extremist-it just shows that nobody is perfect (not even Gandhi), and when you have everything you have ever said and done recorded--you are bound to f-ck up every once in a while....things are not that simple. In a global society. In politics. In war. In families. And it is so much easier to judge when looking at things in hindsight....

Wendell said...

Same here--I'm in that quadrant along with a lot of pinko-commies! And no, we don't have to vote for Kucinich... I'd like to vote in the primary for someone who has a chance!

Wendell said...

I interpreted the second quiz as what you said--humans are complicated and imperfect, and this means we should be slow to judgment whether it's our neighbor or someone historical. I enjoyed the second quiz because it shows me that we shouldn't canonize or vilify anyone--no one is 100% good or shitty. Their FAQ delves some into why they created the 2-D political spectrum, basically saying that the old left-right spectrum does no justice to the nuance and variety of an individual's perspectives on politics. I think the second quiz's purpose is to be more revealing about the quiz-taker than the subjects. Of course, I enjoy viewing things such as this as "oneself-as-ongoing-project" catalysts. Or have I gone off the deep end? Heheh.